
时间: 2015-07-20 | 片长: 00:03:12 | 来源: bet28365365备用

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Art China: Could you introduce the international artist programme for us?


Dame Jillian Sackler: This program is to bring an artist to China from overseas. And obviously the Sackler Museum here in Beida is a teaching museum. So the artist must produce a work with cultural importance and educational importance. So this particular exhibition relates to African American slavery and native American history and their bad treatment too. But we’ve had, this is the third exhibiton in this program. And the previous two are the ones dealt with wars and the importance of everybody in the world, showing their humanity and their likeness rather than their differences. So we are trying to bring people together, build bridges between peoples with these exhibitions.


Art China: So why are you so interested in the contemporary art?


Dame Jillian Sackler: Actually of course, mostly I’ve been involved in really ancient art. And mostly this museum has been involved in really ancient art. But now these days people are so interested in contemporary art. Contemporary art is sort of more lively, more accessible to young people, different from the past, and usually on a much larger scale than people did in the past, and something different and creative and exciting. So now I like contemporary art myself.


Art China: So in how many countries will your program hold exhibitions?


Dame Jillian Sackler: We are trying to bring people from different cultures to China, just one artist a year, to sort of expose their background. And the first exhibition GARNICA has travelled to Spain, and the second one which was last year. That one will be shown in Beijing later. But the pieces actually are going to belong to this museum when the exhibition is over. There is another museum that has already asked if they can show this particular exhibition by Toni Scott. So, they will travel, but they do now actually belong to the Sackler and Beida.

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